Darrell St. Romain

Darrell St. Romain is a published author, scholar, and organist. St. Romain is currently a candidate for the Doctor of Pastoral Music degree at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University and he is Music Director at St. Stephen United Methodist Church in Mesquite, TX. He has served congregations as organist and Director of Music in Alabama, Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. St. Romain’s research interest include promoting Black Catholic Congregational Song and Inculturation, especially the engagement of multilingual and multiethnic worship services. St. Romain has published several articles in The Hymn and The Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology. He holds degrees in organ performance and sacred music from Louisiana State University and Southern Methodist University. His primary organ teachers were Herndon Spillman and Larry Palmer.

Mr. Darrell has been teaching piano for almost 2 decades. His teaching motto is, “progress towards perfection.” A teacher of all ages and abilities, his students bring him unimaginable joy.

Darrell has a Bachelor of Music in Organ performance from LSU, a Master of Sacred Music Degree, a Master of Music Degree in Organ Performance from SMU. He is currently working on his Doctorate of Pastoral Music Degree from SMU.

Darrell St Romain
I have been taking piano lessons with [Faculty Member's Name] for over a year now, and I can confidently say that they are an exceptional teacher. Their expertise and dedication have greatly improved my skills and passion for music.

John Doe

Music Enthusiast

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